About Candidate
DevOps engineer with 3+ years of experience in practicing DevOps CI/CD,
Infrastructure automation, quality engineering, and release management.
Experience in various roles as DevOps, Cloud Engineer, Build and Release Engineer
with excellent experience in Software Integration, Configuration, and Packaging.
Building, Automating, managing, and releasing code from one environment to
another environment and deploying to servers, support, and maintenance under
Unix/Linux/VM’s Platforms.
Work & Experience
• Creating a CI/CD pipeline for deployment using AWS, Teamcity, and Octopus tools. • Used Terraform and Ansible, to migrate legacy and monolithic systems to Amazon Web Services. Used Terraform scripts to configure AWS resources. • Wrote Ansible playbooks from scratch in YAML. Installing, setting up & Troubleshooting Arisible, created and automated platform environment setup. • Set up Git repositories and SSH Keys in Bitbucket for Agile teams. • Implemented AWS solutions using EC2, lambda, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, and Auto scaling groups. Optimized volumes and EC2 instances. • Worked on integrating GIT into the Continuous Integration (CI) environment along with Jenkins. • Creating databases, and executing SQL queries in MySQL workbench for new clients during the time of onboarding. • Deploying the codes using AWS Code pipeline/TeamCity/Octopus to web application servers like Apache, Tomcat, and Widlfly. • Created quality gates in SonarQube dashboard and enforced in the pipelines to fail the builds when conditions not met. • Maintaining the AWS Services and CI/CD process during the application setup and handling 150+ client configurations to process the payments via CRM application in the production environment. • Monitoring access logs and Error logs in the AWS Cloud Watch, Elastic Search, Grafana and Prometheus. • Migrated all the secret key values that are present in the configuration file to HashiCorp Vault to manage secrets and protect sensitive data using Ansible. • Creating databases, and executing SQL queries